Use a productivity tracker in your journal or planner to track down the progress of longterm projects.
Getting things done in a stylish way!
Stay focused and set your goals. Whether it is creativity or corporate meetings, use your journal to funnel your ideas and energy towards your successions. Don't just be busy, be productive. Tracking your progress will help you realise what needs more attention and what works perfectly this month!
Mindmap page
The mindmap page will help you define and set SMART goals easier.
Weekly goal tracking
Use it to track down your weekly goals easily!
My secret tool and favourite book!
If you’re ready to create real and lasting change, you NEED Your Best Year 2018. This edition is blowing my mind! Business and life edition available!
18 before 2018
Hello there! Following Lisa Jacobs post for committing to 18 goals before 2018, here is mine! Kept the aqua theme,…
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Etsy Shop Tracking system
Hello there! My #lisajacobs tracker for my etsy shop. I have started this year with #yby2017 , but sometimes life…
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52 Week Challenge: Week 1
Hello there! Besides BuJo and regular job, I have a hobby of making and selling handmade goodies with Scrapbooking. So…
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